E-Bike Photogrammetry Test

An attempt of creating a Bike 3D-Model using photogrammetry.

Photogrammetry is a way of creating 3D-Models by filming or taking photographs around an object. a program will be able to detect points and try to figure out what everything looks like in 3D space, and will eventually be able to output a 3D-Model with textures.

After the program has taken it’s time figuring everything out, it put this out as it’s result. The bike obviously has some problems, but an object like this is very hard to recreate using photogrammetry and gave a better result than initially expected. This bike could easily be used as a background or middleground asset because you won’t see the mistakes at that distance, but a close up shot would be out of the question.

This is the mesh it put out with the texture removed. Some manual smoothing could easily be added, but has not been done for this image.