Earth 3D-Model

A basic 3D-Model of Earth.

This model has been set up in a way where its easy to change a lot of its properties, like water and ground color (to for example make it covered with snow) and cloud density. the Texture Used on the model is from NASA, and i made a mask for the water so i can have seperate controls for the water and ground color. The cloud texture is put on top of the land/water texture.

The model uses nothing but a basic sphere shape, as most of this project has been achieved with shaders. There are also controls for the orientation and the orientation of the light.

I made it so it looks like the Earth has an atmosphere by using a Fresnel effect. The shader also looks for where light is, so it can put a emmisive texture on the parts where no light is, so it shows lit up cities only where it is night.