Kill la Kill Fanart

This is Fanart of the popular Anime series Kill La Kill, i made this for the 10th year anniversary. In the show itself the character is always made in 2D so i thought it would be interesting to try to turn this 2D Character into a 3D Character that stays true to the original design.

The character is made of multiple parts, so i would not be overwhelmed with making the entire character in 1 go. i started making the base body first, and continued with the clothes after that.

The Character consists of a lot of different parts. The most obviously seperated ones are the clothing. This is so it could easily be layered over the base mesh. The base mesh itself also consists of multiple parts, as the arms, hands and legs aren’t directly connected to the body. I did this because the character wasn’t gonna be rigged anyway, and the parts that would be connected would be hidden under the clothing.

The goal of remaking this character in 3D was to make to try to make the character look as true to the original as possible. That is why i have made a sillhoute comparison between the 2.

For the modeling process i have mostly used subdivision modeling, after that i have sculpted in a lot of folds to make the silhouette look more wild and true to the original.

When it comes to texturing, i hand painted most of the textures, including the shadows, so i could have more control over the shadows. some lines are painted in the texture. The outlines are made by copying the character, slightly increasing the size, giving it a pure black material and inverting the normals while turning on backface culling. I wanted the model to be done before the end of the anniversary so i had to make some sacrifices with how the face looked in the end. The mouth was hand drawn while the eyes used a screenshot of the anime, and got overlay-ed on.